The Pressure of Living Up to Your Purpose
We sat around my friend’s dining room table like middle-aged women in a rom-com movie. We ate dinner, sipped drinks, and laughed until we cried. Then we actually cried (well, I did, anyway). Then we worried about the state of the world. Then we hoped life would throw us a bone and offer us a unicorn or two until we could catch our breath and regroup…
The Love/Hate Relationship With Living Up to Your Purpose
Someone mentioned my writing; it caught my breath. In my head, I instantly heard the chilling, melancholy grind of a rusty corn belt windmill, bearing witness to the sun-scorched fields surrounding it, helpless to reconstitute the parched earth. My words dried up months ago, and I felt powerless to bring them back…
How Living Up to Your Purpose Can Feel Heavy
It comes as a surprise to many, but I have a love/hate relationship with writing. Writing doesn’t come as naturally as you’d expect from someone who identifies as a writer. Words don’t swell in my brain and cascade over the sides, spilling onto my keyboard like a waterfall. Unfortunately, unlike most people, I don’t store words in my brain…

Steps for Living Up to Your Purpose Without Getting Overwhelmed
How do we live up to our life’s purpose without being consumed or crushed by its weight? Three things come to mind:
1. Action Creates Motivation
There’s a misconception that you need to be motivated to get started. But research shows that action creates motivation, not the other way around. Even when you don’t feel like it, take small steps. You’ll feel better after making progress. It’s all about getting the ball rolling—no matter how small the first step might be.
2. Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Don’t feel pressured to move mountains every day. Small, consistent actions are more effective than random, big efforts. The key is to focus on doing something, not everything. The race isn’t about how fast you go—it’s about making steady, manageable progress.
3. Recognize Your Purpose
Many of us doubt whether we even know our purpose. But it’s often clearer than we think. For example, I recently spoke with a woman in real estate who was struggling to find her purpose. Helping people find homes where they can build memories and stay safe? That’s a gift and a purpose. Embrace it!
Navigating Your Purpose with Support
If you’re struggling to tap into your purpose, you’re not alone. But remember: taking action, no matter how small, can bring that sense of fulfillment you’ve been craving. It’s like pulling words out of the storm and letting them guide you forward.
If you’re also navigating your life’s purpose and want to connect with others who are on a similar journey, check out Lifelong Friendships: Why They Matter—because sometimes, it’s the people we share our journey with who remind us of what we’re capable of.
And if you’re looking for some inspiration on navigating the ups and downs of life, take a look at this article on embracing your purpose. It’s all about moving past the overwhelm and stepping into your power.
Letting Your Gifts Shine
In the end, life is too short to leave our gifts locked inside. Let them out. As the kids say, ‘Sprinkle that stuff everywhere.’ You’ll feel better. You’ll sleep better. Don’t overthink it—just act.