Back when Covid was a thing, I tested positive and needed to take to my bed. To make quarantine bearable, my boys brought up an old TV from the basement so I could languish alone in my room. My...
It seems impossible to change your life for the better when distractions and external influences bombard you. We are pulled in countless directions at work, home, and socially. Often, the needs of the ones we love the most come...
Most humans are afraid of change. Change, growth, learning, and even success can be terrifying. On one hand, we want change. We dream of doing better, living with no regrets, of making ourselves proud. We want to live up...
Listening to experts or influencers bang on and on about self-care usually triggers me. Far too many people are out there spewing easily digested, generic self-care techniques. For someone who is drowning under the weight of responsibilities, who might...
Let’s discuss people who bug the absolute shite out of us, shall we? Most of us have a person (or people) in our lives whose voice/face/image/memory grinds our nerves right down to a stump. Certain people are triggering. The...