Listening to experts or influencers bang on and on about self-care usually triggers me. Far too many people are out there spewing easily digested, generic self-care techniques. For someone who is drowning under the weight of responsibilities, who might...
We lived in a Regency townhouse in England, with magnificently high ceilings and breathtakingly ornate, ever-elegant plaster crown molding that spread upward from the walls, curling onto the ceilings. The house was made of Cotswold stone, with tall hedges...
Let’s discuss people who bug the absolute shite out of us, shall we? Most of us have a person (or people) in our lives whose voice/face/image/memory grinds our nerves right down to a stump. Certain people are triggering. The...
Indecision is a choice to suffer. Habitually indecisiveness is a powerful, destructive decision in and of itself. Wrong decisions can be righted. Making no decision leaves you at the mercy of others, nature, or the universe. Chronic indecision is...
Most of us long to be the best we can be. We are seekers. We listen to therapists, coaches, gurus, and girlfriends. We strive for growth. Confidence. Peace of mind. Contentment. Anyone who has revved up their spirituality, personal...